The majority of my posts involve food and grocery shopping because I think that is the easiest recurring expense to cut back on for most people. This year we finally have a garden (somewhat limited in size) that gets a reasonable amount of sun. The next few posts will talk about the ins and outs of choosing the plants and planting the garden and containers to get a reasonable return on our money.
We have leaf lettuce, head lettuce, red salad bowl lettuce, baby spinach, peas, radishes, basil, chives, thyme, oregano, mint, parsley, green onions, tomatoes, sweet peppers and strawberries.
We also have nastursums and pansies since it is the front yard.
Cost: Less than $35
Plants $14.50
Seeds $4
Pots $10
Tomato cages $5
Since early May we have harvested 1-2 salads per day by cutting the outside lettuce leaves and tops off the green onions. I also pull a few radishes from the most densely seeded areas. The peas mostly died out.
Starting this week we have had 1-2 handfuls of strawberries daily
The herbs seem to grow faster every time I cut them to using in a meal.
I expect that we have saved at least the $35 originally spent and its still early June.
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